De-risking – by Marijo Samneh
De-risking is dangerous for the Financial Institution itself!
Following up on our “de-risking” video shared last week, this is a slide showing how de-risking is being practiced.
In this case, the compliance officer should look into the sanctions of Syria, and understand, what is exactly sanctioned under the OFAC and Cesar’s Act, instead of directly rejecting the account.
If the concerned person is not related in any case to the Syrian Government or the Assad family, rejecting the account would be practicing “de-risking”.
#compliance #derisking #aml #amlcft #amlcompliance #inanutshell #inanutshellbymj
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace – by Marijo Samneh
Sexual harassment is very common in the workplace. However its commonality should never legitimize it.
Fight and report it!
#sexualharassment #sexualabuse #sexualassault #workplace #work #absl #inanutshell #inanutshellbymj
De-risking in the Financial Sector – by Marijo Samneh
With the Sanctions on Russia, it is important to read and understand the content of these sanctions.
Going to the extreme of stopping any relation with Russia or Russians is a bad practice, because Banks might be looking valid business.
Not only this, they will be pushing good people outside the financial sector leaving them no choice but to go to unregulated and unofficial channel.
You can subscribe to my YouTube channel to watch videos related to legal compliance HR and corporate governance topics
This video is in collaboration with Arab Bank (Switzerland) Lebanon S.A.L.
#banks #derisking #sanctions #compliance #risk #aml #amlcft #amlcompliance #Russia #inanutshell #inanutshellbymj
Les activites transfrontalieres – by Marijo Samneh
Que signifie “activités transfrontalières” et quelle est l’importance d’y être en conformité de façon permanente?
Pour plus d’informations vous pouvez visiter le site web ci-dessous:
#BRP #crossborder #crossborderrules #complianceofficers #compliance #compliancemanagement #compliancetraining #compliancerisk #complianceregulations #inanutshell #inanutshellbymj
الفرق يبن تبييض الأموال وتمويل الإرهاب – ماري-جو سمنه
كثيرا ما يتم اللغط بين تبييض الاموال وتمويل الإرهاب. اشير في هذه المقابلة إلى الفرق بينهما بالمختصر المفيد
You can subscribe to my YouTube channel
#aml #amlcft #complianceofficer #compliance #antimoneylaundering #inanutshell #inabutshellbymj
Anti-bullying Day – by Marijo Samneh
Today February 23, is anti-bullying day!
Since I focus a lot on building solid and happy workplaces, it is important to shed the light on workplace bullying.
Workplace bullying could be seen as an act or verbal comment that could psychologically hurt someone in the workplace.
Screaming in the office is bullying!
Swearing is bullying!
Moking is bullying!
Bullying destroys lives!! Don’t pretend to ignore the consequences… People you bully in the workplace stay at the workplace because of their need to work.. Don’t use people’s needs to serve your complexes!
You can subscribe to my YouTube channel to watch similar videos
#bullying #bullyingprevention #bullyingawareness #workplacebullying #antibullying #inanutshell #inanutshellbymj