Social Engineering – I a Nutshell

Social engineering – In a Nutshell.

Cybercriminals use social engineering to trick victims into taking actions that go against their better judgment, such as breaching security, sending money, or giving up private information.

Watch out!

#cyberrisks #cyberattack #cybercrime #inanutshellbymj #marijosamneh

Will Lebanon be on the Grey List of FATF?

– What is the Grey List?
– Who has the right to put a country on a Grey List?
– What are the implications of being on the Grey List?
– How to take off a country from the Grey List?

I answered these questions in this quick interview.

#inanutshellbymj #marijosamneh #fatf #compliance #amlcompliance

Cyber Crime through emails

Cyber-crime through emails – In a Nutshell.

Being the victim of Cyber-crime is not a matter of “If”, it’s a matter of “When”.
So be prepared, as you might be the next one targeted!
Awareness remains the first line of defense.

#cybercrime #inanutshellbymj #marijosamneh #compliance